OCT 30 - NOV 2

SEMA, our favorite show of the year. Well, we really don't have a particularly favorite show; but certainly our most expensive. Its amazing how much has changed in Las Vegas over the years.

I remember my first trip to Vegas in 1991. At the time I was working at Binks Mfg. and my boss and I drove down to Vegas after a show in LA. We stayed at a cheap hotel on the north end of the strip. Back in 1991 the Excalibur was the newest hotel on the strip, we decided to try our luck there. At the time, it was the first real specialty-theme hotel-casino. I'll never forget playing roulette there and winning $750 right before dinner. We decided to have dinner that night at the Jousting Match-thingy they do. Kind of like Medieval Times - you know, eat with your hands, yell at the wenches to bring more mutton and chicken and all that stuff. After dinner my boss headed back to the hotel and I headed back to the tables. Of course, about three hours later, I had gone bust. I had no money and no ability to get any more. With no money for a cab I ended up walking back to our hotel alone the whole length of the strip at about 1:00am. A real walk of shame. Along the way I passed by many other bankrupted patrons and a few of Las Vegas's more interesting people. I realized then that the real winners in Vegas were the casinos - chalk it up as a lesson learned. You would think after taking my cash then and that of countless other suckers through the years that the Excalibur could have at least updated the carpeting in that place? YUK!
Back in 1991 Vegas was a place where a little bit of cash went a long way. One could find good breakfasts all over town for cheap ($1.99 at Denny's); hotels were $19.95 at some places and newer places were like $40 bux a night! Man you could even go and eat a fancy buffet for about $10 bux! If you were coming to gamble, (and I don't mean like the "whales" do), the better hotels would sometimes pay for your flight or your room or BOTH to come stay and gamble at their place. In 1991 you NEVER had a problem finding a $5 blackjack table and drinks were always free and plentiful! I guess they still are, but you got to put in the time at the tables.
Today's Vegas is much more about big money and how much you'll spend on entertainment, restaurants and gambling. To me the common term "Sin City" now refers to the guilt you feel for all the money you spend on a typical trip to Vegas these days. Vegas used to be VEGAS, but now it has become Disney World, except for adults. In my opinion from an expense standpoint it now rivals that of any typical major city like New York or Chicago. As companies we used to look forward to doing trade shows in Vegas; there was always stuff to do and places to eat; and it usually didn't break the bank. Granted there are the occasional deals, but those are now few and far between.
Its definitely not your grandma's Las Vegas anymore. See you there! Booth 12360, North Hall.

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