Four of the top automotive airbrush artists in the U.S. are coming to teach you the tricks of the trade. Jason Doll, Craig Fraser, Steve Driscoll and Bob Soroka.
Get in early and secure your spot now: Call Sherri at (800) 628-5449 or email:

Dear Gary Glass
Im doing research for an art project and i wanted to know what is needed in the experience and education for an art carrier
I'm assuming you meant art career?
There are many different ways to pursue a career in the arts. It really depends on what type of art you are wanting to do I guess. There are so many disciplines within the art field here are just a few related to artists who use airbrushes in their work.
Commercial Illustration
Fine Arts Painting
Custom Automotive Painting
T Shirt Painting
Professional Model Painting
Scenic and Special Effects Painting for Film and Television
Cake and Food Decoration
Taxidermy Arts
Professional Make-Up Artists
Professional Nail Arts Technician
Airbrush Tanning
Art Educators
I'm sure I've missed a few. The obvious requirement for all is education. Education is available in different forms as well. Artists usually have a variety of educational backgrounds; formal art education (universities, art colleges, magnet high schools, etc..). Some are self taught and come from non-artistic backgrounds but have artistic abilities.
The simplest advice I could give would be to pursue the form of art you most enjoy. Find books & videos, browse the web for resources, take classes either formal or sponsored (like the one listed in this post), attend seminars, workshops and trade shows if you can.
Best of luck on your journey!
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